Instalación de energías renovables

Conectadas a la red o aisladas


Ona Energies

ONA ENERGIES focuses its activity in the field of Renewable Energies, mainly photovoltaic, wind, and solar thermal as well as in the telecommunications sector. From ONA ENERGIES we offer our unique experience in the sector to advise, install and optimize all types of installations aimed at the production of energy and energy savings in all its facets. It also offers the customer their knowledge and technical support to improve the energy efficiency of their buildings to optimize their facilities.

At the hour of dur a terme a instal·lació d'energies renewable, l'elecció dels materials to utilitzar or of the company in which dipositem the nostra confiança during the desenvolupament of the nostre projecte is the most important decision. The cost is an important factor, but the system to be implemented has to ensure the total adaptation to the necessities of the project and to guarantee the duration of the project.

The nostre equip humà, with extensive experience in the sector, is focused on the recolzament individualitzat of each project, analitzant and implementant solutions that garanteixin als nostres clients the final consecució of seu projecte, és a dir, l'idoni aprofitament d'un font renewable energy chosen optimizing costs and complint always the characteristics and standards required. ONA ENERGIES includes the recolzament and experience of the ENGITEC ENGINEER ENGINEERING TEAM, a company that is solid to it, offering a distinction of quality and a plus of trust in the Sevill Instal·lacions.

The constant effort will overcome the expectations of the clients, who will not only install material, but recolzam amb els nostres serveis and experiència, have a conseqüència a high level of satisfaction of the clients and the reputació of fiability guanyada per ONA ENERGIES dins of the renewable energy sector at island level.

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Son Salomó

ONA ENERGIES is the maintenance and installation company of the "Son Solomo" photovoltaic park of 3 MW of nominal power, since its commissioning, the largest of the Balearic Islands, it has also designed and installed numerous renewable energy installations and optimized existing facilities adding more than 5MW installed. His works range from the change from a small domestic appliance to a more efficient one, up to integral renewable energy solutions including monitoring for exhaustive control from anywhere.

son salomo Picture "Son Salomo"


ONA ENERGIES offers solutions for:
  • Renewable energy installations connected to the grid and isolated.
  • Hybrid or self-consumption facilities.
  • Solar pumps, for lifting in wells, irrigation or filtration in swimming pools.
  • Thermal solar energy. For hot water and heating.
  • Biomass, stoves and boilers. (Pellet)
  • Cogeneration systems.
  • Electrical installations in general. CAIB authorized company in low and medium voltage.
  • Systems monitoring systems for monitoring, control and remote analysis.
  • Telecommunications systems, home automation, audiovisual, wifi, satellite Internet, sound ...
  • Work reforms to adapt the facilities.
  • Studies and solutions of Energy Efficiency in facilities and buildings. Bioclimatic constructions.
  • Analysis of electrical consumption. Energy consulting.
  • Engineering projects; activities, industrial facilities, industrial warehouses.
castell costa nova Castell Costa Nova


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Son Tema

20xw Autoconsumo.

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Son Salomó

Planta fotovoltaica "Son Salomo" 4MW.

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Nou Mercat

20KW Spbre cubierta, supermercado en Ciutadella.

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Sant Agueda

61KW Sobre cubierta, centro educativo en Ferreries.

Castell Costa Nova
Castell Costa Nova

55KW en fotovoltaico y 7KW de eolica en centro de comercio i ocio en Ciutadella

Castell Costa Nova
Diskont Ciutadella

100KW Sobre cubierta gran superficie en Ciutadella

Castell Costa Nova
Instalaciones Aisladas
Castell Costa Nova
Instalaciones Autoconsumo
Castell Costa Nova
Instalaciones Varias


At ONA ENERGIES we are at your disposal for any questions or suggestions.
Ask for a budget without commitment, we are at your service.
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